Philorum is a philosophy forum where everyone has an equal opportunity to have their ideas engaged by strangers and friends.

You might be an academic philosopher, be not clear on what philosophy is, or both. You might be an experienced speaker or still terrified by public speaking. Regardless, Philorum is a place for you. You can give a prepared or impromptu piece. You may prefer just to listen.

Free speech is paramount and there will be no limit on content. Non philosophical expressions are welcome. Whatever is on your mind you can give voice to: political, personal, artistic, scientific, religious, atheist, bizarre, or mad. You could flog real estate. Expressions that might be dangerous, offensive, or controversial are welcome. Whether your ideas be: sublime or mundane; technical or general; inaccessible or obvious; entertaining or boring; intelligent or naive; you can express it at a philorum.

Philorum has been suspended until further notice.